Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей

На этой странице собраны высококачественные промты (promts) которые можно использовать в диффузионных нейросетях, генерируюх изображение с помощью функции txt2img. Не стесняйтесь использовать их для ваших художественных артов!

Авторские промты (избранное)

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей

Золотой дракон-кошка

  • Seed: 633022342

Promt: dragon, ultra wide angle, in focus, dark epic background, gorgeous lifelike, moody golden fur design, dynamic pose of a dragon, full length shot, hyper details, lighting art, cinematic, insane details, intricate details, hyperdetailed, goth, fractal, dark shot

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей


  • Seed: 282960718

Promt: ultra-wide-angle, in focus, dark epic background, magnificent realism, capricious design of golden fur, dynamic bear pose, full body, full-length shot, hyperdetalization, lighting art, cinematography, crazy details, intricate details, hyperdetalized, gothic, fractal, dark shot

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей

Olpntng style

  • Seed: 723977559

Promt: olpntng style, Cute little fantasy animal dark creature, dark forest, 4k, symmetrical, soft lighting, detailed face, trending on artstation, intricate details, highly detailed, pencil drawing, sketching, unreal engine, Brian Froud, oil painting, heavy strokes, paint dripping, oil painting, heavy strokes, paint dripping

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей

Cannabis goddess

  • Seed: 2587381934

Promt: Cannabis goddess by Carne Griffiths, sf, intricate artwork masterpiece, ominous, matte painting movie poster, golden ratio, trending on cgsociety, intricate, epic, trending on artstation, by artgerm, h. r. giger and beksinski, highly detailed, ultra high quality model, (dark shot:1.17), epic realistic, faded, ((neutral colors)), art, (hdr:1.5), (muted colors:1.2), hyperdetailed, (artstation:1.5), cinematic, warm lights, dramatic light

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей

Цветочный жук

  • Seed: 4086652826

Promt: floral beetle wearing a (long:1.2) pink (scarf:1.3), a beetle with arms and a head, (dark shot:1.17), epic realistic, faded, ((neutral colors)), art, (hdr:1.5), (muted colors:1.2), hyperdetailed, (artstation:1.5), cinematic, warm lights, dramatic light, (intricate details:1.1), complex background, (rutkowski:0.8), (teal and orange:0.4)

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей


  • Seed: 729928188

Promt: Fantasy digital art |Cyborg Head with cocks instead of eyes | ultrarealistic, colorful | highly detailed | wide-angle | epic composition, rich of contrast | UHD

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей

Кот космонафт

  • Seed: 2357456903

Promt: a new space world in bubble, cosmonaut cat, bright smoke, lightning bolts, (dark shot:1.17), epic realistic, faded, ((neutral colors)), art, (hdr:1.5), (muted colors:1.2), hyperdetailed, (artstation:1.5), cinematic, warm lights, dramatic light

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей

Девушка в дыму

  • Seed: 2825235906

Promt: war, she’s a knight by TanvirTamim, (pink smoke:1.6), lightning (bolts:1.4), face close-up, naked, art by greg rutkowski and artgerm, soft cinematic light, adobe lightroom, photolab, hdr, intricate, highly detailed, ((((depth of field))))”

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей


  • Seed: 2199845208

Promt: hyper real, neon-outlined male figure in the dark with vibrant colors and reflective surfaces, (dark shot:1.17), epic realistic, faded, ((neutral colors)), art, (hdr:1.5), (muted colors:1.2), hyperdetailed, (artstation:1.5), cinematic, warm lights, dramatic light, (intricate details:1.1)

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей


  • Seed: 2609193313

Promt: draw a fantastic muzzle of a purple the wolf man a predatory smile and a gambling look and red eyes, (dark shot:1.17), epic realistic, faded, ((neutral colors)), art, (hdr:1.5), (muted colors:1.2), hyperdetailed, (artstation:1.5), cinematic, warm lights, dramatic light, (intricate details:1.1)

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей

Девушка рыцарь

  • Seed: 4198404893

Promt: knight girl with smoking hair, white smoke, neon white lots of smoke, art by greg rutkowski and artgerm, soft cinematic light, adobe lightroom, photolab, hdr, intricate, highly detailed, ((((depth of field))))”

Лучшие промты 2024 для нейросетей


  • Seed: 9889174

Promt: flowers background, beautiful flowers, (bouquet flowers:1.7), (night city in the background:1.1), (sky with stars:1.2), art by greg rutkowski and artgerm, soft cinematic light, adobe lightroom, photolab, hdr, intricate, highly detailed, ((((depth of field))))

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